Friday 16 December 2011

Simple Way to Lose Weight While You Sleep

Obesity only became a major problem in the 1960s when the world and his wife began to exchange horse power for muscle power. By this time most households could afford a washing machine, which meant that energy was no longer expended washing clothes by hand. Gardens came to be tended, not with hand tools, but with hedge cutters and motor mowers. Factory workers no longer carried out repetitive manual tasks on long production lines, but sat down twiddling the knobs on increasing complex automated machinery. Instead of walking to work, thousands switched to commuting by car. In London, a survey revealed that the average white collar worker was now travelling less than a mile a day on foot. With fully half the bus journeys in the city being less than one mile in length, a journey that can generally be covered more quickly on foot, Londoners will rather wait for a bus, in rain and howling gales, than exercise their legs. This hypokinetic shift is a major cause of the current obesity plague. We get fat, not necessarily because we eat too much, but more particularly because we exercise too little. Labourers in Victorian times ate plenty of junk food, and drunk lashings of beer, yet if you look at the old photos of farm labourers, coal miners and deep sea fisherman you'll notice that none of them had a weight problem.

At one time it was believed that middle aged spreads arise because muscles have an inherent tendency to turn to fat. That's total twaddle. If we eat too much, and exercise too little, it's inevitable that we'll grow fat. At the same time we're bound to lose muscle bulk, but these two metabolic changes are contemporaneous, rather than causally linked. All too often our problem is, not that we eat too much, but that we exercise too little. And that has a knock on effect. People say they're sick and tired of being overweight, when what they really mean is that they're sick and tired through being overweight. Anyone who's overweight is likely to be prone to breathlessness, ready fatigue and rheumatic aches and pains. Fat folk fade fast. This means they're more likely to take it easy, and maybe give themselves a boost by taking some sugary foodstuffs when their spirits droop. Motion pictures of a group of girls playing volley ball during a summer camp showed that those who were overweight were standing still for nearly ninety per cent of the game compared with just over half for those who weren't carrying a load of excess fat. The truth is, you can't be fit and fat.

One way of turning this vicious circle into a virtuous circle is to start building up your muscle mass. Shun the escalators, do some form of daily exercise and walk whenever you can. The more muscle you build the trimmer you'll look, for muscle is far more compact than fat. It will also dispose of some of your surplus calories, for a kilogram of muscle burns up approximately three calories a day, compared with the one calorie required to maintain a similar weight of fat. If in the next few weeks you can increase your muscle mass by just three pounds you'll burn up about an extra 200 calories a day, which is equivalent to a loss of roughly a pound of fat every 18 days. What's more, you'll burn up extra calories every time you boost your activity levels, and this can continue even when you're watching TV, or lying asleep in bed, for the level of body metabolism remains raised for four to six hours after exercise is taken. All these benefits, and their just a muscle twitch away.

Weight Loss Help - Drugs Are Making You Fat

In the earlier part of the 20th century, before 1950, less than 10% of the American population was fat or overweight, and there was no such thing as obesity. Also back then, less than 5% of people took medications or drugs of any kind on a regular basis. Today 70% of Americans take them regularly.

It could be aspirin, high blood pressure medicine, drugs for acid reflux, diabetes and many, many others. We are a drug taking, pill popping nation! It's a shame because every drug that is man-made, that is manufactured and marketed by pharmaceutical companies, have been proven to lead to weight gain and obesity. Even the drugs you may be on for obesity or any weight loss diet will, in the long term make you fatter.

Not only that, drugs, whether prescription or non-prescription can cause illness, disease, addiction, more medical symptoms. All drugs have negative side effects and the more you take the sicker you will become because while that drug is reducing a symptom, it's actually causing another one to develop. Your doctor will prescribe yet another drug for the new problem and on it goes.

Sadly, the majority of our western doctors aren't trained to cure us, they're taught how to treat symptoms for disorders that develop by prescribing drugs. This is an excellent system, if you are in the pharmaceutical drug or medical business that is, for the rest of us it really sucks.

Drugs cause organs to malfunction, the colon and liver to clog up and get sluggish, the pancreas stops producing insulin, the arteries get hardened and blood vessels get clogged. Our human body is not made to take drugs on a daily basis.

People take antibiotics that will have no effect on viruses. The American government estimated that one half of the one hundred million prescriptions for antibiotics written by doctors every year were unnecessary.

When something like a colon, or a liver, or a pancreas start to be dysfunctional you will gain weigh, if all these don't work properly, forget about it!

If you're on medication for something, there's probably a natural way to cure it either through a dietary change, combined with other techniques, but the most important thing is to stop taking the drugs otherwise you will always be fat and sick.

Get more natural weight loss help and learn from our independent research about natural weight loss supplements, the good, the bad and the dangerous!

How Do I Lose 50 Lbs Of FAT?

I had the pleasure of attending the Perform Better Training/Workshop Seminar the last week in August of 2011. Great speakers/presenters/professionals sharing their best "stuff." Among those attending and presenting were: Gray Cook, Mark Verstegen, Mike Boyle, Todd Durkin, and Alwyn Cosgrove to name just a few. People come from all over the country to meet, converse, and educate at the Long Beach Convention Center about how to help and inspire our country back to health, fitness and prosperity. Since our nation and other countries are engulfed in an obesity epidemic, I will focus this article on how we can help the many of you suffering from an abundance of fat.

We don't become fat overnight. Actually it takes years of practice. It also takes time, commitment, & proper action to transform your mind and body back to a healthy state. Do you need to educate yourself and learn practical nutrition? Definitely! For something humans do every day we are severely lacking in supportive nutrition. Don't expect the big food producers to come to your rescue either. Many producers of food would love to keep you fat and eating their products! You have to take a personal interest and intense conviction to help yourself. You hold the key to your health, fitness, & prosperity.

But this article is not going to deal with your nutrition; this article will inform you about the type of exercise you should be doing to lose your fat most effectively. If you already know that nutrition or lack thereof is your weakness, then please contact a professional so that you receive the education and strategies to lose fat fast. Your nutrition is clearly the number one obstacle you will have in ridding your body of excess fat. As far as your exercise is concerned, the correct fat loss programming and coaching will empower you to take control and accelerate your health and fitness and completely turn your life around.

Have you ever heard of metabolic acceleration resistance training? In plain language, we are speaking about heavy resistance, time under tension (about 60 secs.), short/incomplete rest periods, and the use of alternating sets/mini-circuits to maximize work density according to Alwyn Cosgrove. In other words, you've got to move baby and you've got to keep moving. The great aspect of this concept is you don't have to abuse your joints and body. You just have to challenge yourself. You have to work on what Gray Cook refers to as "self limiting exercise." A self-limiting exercise as defined by Gray "requires mindfulness and an awareness of movement, alignment, balance, and control. Self-limiting exercise requires engagement."

Examples of self-limiting exercise include: jump rope, cross-country skiing, obstacle courses, medicine ball throws, climbing activities, and goblet squats to an overhead lift just to name a few. Remember to differentiate between challenging versus difficult. The best training and conditioning is as much about learning as it is about energy expenditure. Learning opportunities are all around you, which will provide you with better mechanics, better coordination, better breathing, improved alignment, and better recovery between bouts of exercise. You will naturally push your limits, but your adaptations will provide you the fastest results with the least amount of abuse and breakdown on your body. What is the fastest way to your fat loss results? Two to four metabolic acceleration and strength training sessions per week with a strong bias towards self-limiting exercises.

Remember, you can get fantastic results in a short amount of time. Three to six hours a week of effective exercise can produce amazing results when supportive nutrition is in place and practiced. I've helped many clients lose more than 50 lbs. of fat even when high intensity exercise has to be limited. For someone like you who has no exercise limitations like serious prior back injuries or heart conditions 50 lbs. of fat loss can be achieved in 4-6 months. Considering it probably took years to pile it on and only months to lose it that's not a bad deal. Now, you have the latest and most effective information on how to lose 50 lbs. of fat or more. I specifically did not get into the scientific evidence that supports these practices because most people find it boring and typically just want results and most everybody wants results fast! I understand that. Now, it's up to you, what are you going to do differently to stimulate your desired results today and the years ahead? Anyone can do it and that includes you! If you need help there are many health and fitness professionals that will support and guide you.